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Executive Leadership Team

Mark Meckler, President and Co-Founder

Mark Meckler

Mark Meckler is the President of Convention of States Foundation and Convention of States Action (COSA). COSA has over 5 million supporters and activists, representing every state and legislative district nationally. He appears regularly on television, radio and online discussing the conservative grassroots perspective on political issues.

Before COSA, he was the Co-Founder of Tea Party Patriots. He has a B.A. from SDSU and a law degree from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. He practiced law for two decades. From February 2021 to May 2021 he served as the Interim CEO at Parler to help bring the free speech social media company back online and equip it for a strong future.

He is very passionate about the Emerging Leaders Program. He believes training the next generation of leaders and statesman is one of the most important causes COSA supports.

He and his wife Patty have been married more than 28 years. They have two grown children and reside in central Texas.

Mike Ruthenberg, Executive Vice President

Mike Ruthenberg was raised in Los Angeles. He moved to San Diego in his early 20’s to finish his degree at San Diego State University. He studied Photojournalism and Outdoor Recreation, both of which he still enjoys.

After a 17-year career running outdoor recreational programs at three different universities, he began and operates a number of successful businesses. He attended the first ever San Diego Tea Party rally in 2009. He got hooked on saving our nation from a run-away federal government. He volunteered then worked for Tea Party Patriots and, ultimately, moved to help start Citizens for Self-Governance and Convention of States Action where he is currently the Executive VP and Chief Grassroots Officer (CGO).

He loves the Emerging Leaders Program and is involved in overseeing its operations. He is passionate about building up the next generation of leaders in America, and his mentorship is an integral part of this internship.

He has been married to Tonya for over 32 years, and they have three boys aged 21–27. The Ruthenbergs are dog people and the latest addition to their family is Izzy the labradoodle.

Ginny Rapini, Senior Vice President of Mentoring and Grassroots

Ginny Rapini is the Senior VP of Mentoring and Grassroots at Convention of States. She brings experience from her background as a small business owner and her work with Tea Party Patriots alongside Mark Meckler and Mike Ruthenberg. Ginny led a large Tea Party group in California and launched many others across the state.

At COS, she’s passionate about mentoring the younger generation through the ELP program and empowering them for leadership roles in our nation. Ginny also leads women’s Bible studies and provides one-on-one mentoring. Included in her role, she leads classes on Servant Leadership for our volunteers and staff.

Outside of work, Ginny and her husband Del enjoy ranch life with their large family of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, along with their love for pets and the outdoors

Current ELP Leadership

Kristen Stanciu, ELP Senior Coordinator

Kristen Stanciu is the Senior Coordinator of the Emerging Leaders Program, working to equip the next generation to take up the torch of freedom and preserve the values that made America great.

A graduate of the Emerging Leaders Program herself several years ago, she is passionate about mentorship, servant leadership, and equipping students to understand their purpose and create positive change in the world. She enjoys studying the history and philosophy that form the foundation of Western Civilization and the American system, and seeks to restore that foundation, one person at a time, through this program.

Kristen will receive her Bachelors of Business Administration degree in Economics from Baylor University in May 2025.

Although she was born and raised in Meridian, Idaho, she is now a proud Texan who lives in Waco.

Jackson Allen, ELP Development Coordinator & Advisor

Jackson Allen

Jackson Allen is a former ELP Intern who has been with COS since 2019 and is passionate about educating young minds, building and equipping the next generation of servant leaders, and defending liberty in our country. He has been active in this cause for years in Texas, Washington D.C., and around the country.

During Jackson’s time at COS, he served as the Senior Coordinator for ELP working to advance the program’s curriculum, recruitment, quality, and impact. He has served on other projects throughout the organization and continues to work diligently to further the cause of self-governance and civic duty.

Jackson hails from the great state of Texas, and while working as the Senior Coordinator for ELP he graduated with his degree in Economics at Campbell University in North Carolina. He is now continuing his education at Regent University School of Law in Virginia. In all aspects of his life, he aims “to serve the Lord as a catalyst to bring the Gospel, Liberty, Truth, and Justice to the lives of others.”

Former ELP Leadership

Weston Boardman, Founder of ELP

Weston Boardman

Weston Boardman was the founder and first intern coordinator for the Emerging Leaders Program. A faithful Catholic and graduate of Hillsdale College, he currently serves as an Air Intelligence Officer in the United States Marine Corps and is married to his better half, Michaela.

When asked of his thoughts on the Emerging Leaders Program, he said, “I am thankful for the incomparable opportunity that Mark Meckler gave me to lead this program. I was inexperienced, lacked the wisdom of years, and stumbled my way through the internship. But with guidance from the COS family and the help of God and Jack McPherson—my right hand man—the internship grew into an experience unimaginable to me at the onset of this endeavor. I forged lasting friendships with the interns and witnessed those same interns grow in their individual characters. They, in turn, had a profound impact on me as we journeyed together learning about statesmanship and practicing servant leadership in pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.”

Jack McPherson, Former Assistant Coordinator

Jack McPherson

Jack McPherson was an intern for the inaugural Emerging Leaders Program class and later served as assistant coordinator. A Catholic convert and graduate of Hillsdale College, he currently serves as an intelligence officer in the United States Marine Corps and is married to Kaitlynn.

“Without a doubt, my experience as both an intern and teammate within the Emerging Leaders Program inevitably included a completely personal encounter with Jesus Christ that totally transformed and continues to transform how I live and what I do. This program demonstrates that true service is charity—willing the good of others for their own sake. This program teaches that true freedom consists of acting in accordance with Our Lord’s will rather than our fickle desires. This is what ELP did for me, and this is what Weston Boardman and I tried to build. I hope that as many as possible can attain the wisdom, friendships, and fortitude from this program as were freely given to me.”

Reagan Green, Former ELP Senior Coordinator

Reagan Green

Reagan Green grew up and still lives in central Texas—the greatest state in the Union! He has always had a deep respect for our nation’s founding principles and Biblical heritage. He received an excellent homeschool education and went on to graduate in 2018 from Applied Life Leaders Academy in Hot Springs, Arkansas. 

Since then, he has run the Media Department at Patriot Academy, producing products such as Biblical Citizenship in Modern America, Rick Green’s Front Porch Live series, and many more. All products teach American citizens their rights and the responsibilities that come with those rights.

He became aware of Convention of States through their partnership with Patriot Academy and served as the Senior Coordinator for the Emerging Leaders Program.

His goals are to mentor and prepare the next generation of leaders to take up the torch of freedom and secure it for our children and their posterity.

Faith Green, ELP Engagement Coordinator

Faith Green

Faith Green grew up in Michigan, but now calls Texas her home. She has always had a strong conviction towards truth, and knowing the Lord’s voice in her life. 

After the 2020 Presidential election, she couldn’t ignore the blatant corruption in our government, and, after doing some research, stumbled across COS. She later met her husband, Reagan Green, and is now fully invested in a personal pursuit to fight for freedom and defend liberty for all Americans.

She graduated from the Emerging Leaders Program’s Class of 2023 and worked alongside her husband and friend in the program as the Engagement Coordinator.

Her goals are to live a life in a true display of her name and to bring glory to God in all that she does.

Andrew Lusch, Former ELP Senior Coordinator

Andrew Lusch

Andrew started as an intern in 2019 with COS.

After completing his internship with ELP, Andrew was asked to carry the mantle of leadership by running the program after Weston Boardman and Jack McPherson departed COS for the Marines.

While acting as the ELP coordinator, Andrew received his BA in History from California State University San Bernardino. Like the ELP coordinators before him, Andrew passed the mantle onto former coordinator Jackson Allen, as Andrew moved into a new role with COS.

Andrew now serves as the Regional Director of the Western states, where he aspires to serve the grassroots with passion and diligence as they seek to call the first-ever Article V convention.

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